3-6 years


Learning to read in kindergarten with Montessori teaching methods

January 22, 2025

Learning to read in kindergarten naturally

Learning to read is a fundamental stage in a child's life, and it can begin well before the age of 6. Thanks to Montessori pedagogy, learning to read in kindergarten is possible and, above all, natural. It 's perfectly adapted to the needs and abilities of young children. Why is learning to read so important in kindergarten? How is it carried out on a daily basis? This guide to learning to read naturally in kindergarten provides some answers. It is based on the example of our bilingual Montessori preschools in the Esclaibes International Schools network.

Why learn to read before the age of 6?

Sensitive language periods

Maria Montessori identified sensitive periods during which children, naturally receptive, acquire specific skills with ease and enthusiasm. One of the most important is the sensitive language period. It takes place between birth and the age of 6.

During this phase, children's sensory, auditory and cognitive capacities are particularly developed. They are extremely attentive to sounds, words and the structure of language. From ages 3 to 6, children show a natural curiosity for letters and words. Watch them closely: you'll see that they spontaneously seek to understand how this system works.

Learning to read during this period makes the most of this receptivity. At this age, children don't approach reading as an academic task, but as an exciting and enthusiastic exploration. Montessori pedagogy responds perfectly to this desire to learn by offering adapted, sensory and progressive activities.

The benefits of learning to read early

Although levels are tending to stabilize, PIRLS surveys show that 25% of students enter middle school with very significant reading difficulties (decoding and comprehension).

From the age of 6 onwards, although it's widely accepted that this is the ideal age for learning to read, natural interest in written language often wanes. This decline in curiosity can make learning to read more complex. This learning process is sometimes perceived as a school obligation associated with a certain amount of pressure.

Learning to read from kindergarten onwards, while respecting the spontaneous enthusiasm of young children, not only makes the most of their natural curiosity, but also gives them a longer, more serene learning period. As a result, they approach reading with ease. This gives them a real advantage when it comes to getting on with their schooling, particularly at secondary school - without any specific difficulties, of course.

Among the many advantages of learning to read from kindergarten onwards are :

  • Enhanced cognitive and linguistic development: learning to read stimulates several areas of the brain. It strengthens neuronal connections and cognitive capacities. Children enrich their vocabulary, develop their memory and improve their ability to analyze and understand their environment.

  • A positive impact on self-confidence and independence: when a child discovers that he can decipher a word, then a sentence, he feels immense pride. This achievement boosts their self-confidence. It encourages them to take on new challenges. What's more, the Montessori method, with its emphasis on respecting each child's own pace, encourages learning without stress or comparison. This consolidates their self-confidence and autonomy.

  • Ideal preparation for the next stages of schooling: reading is the basis for a great deal of learning. A child who masters reading before entering primary school is better prepared to understand and assimilate knowledge in other areas, such as math, science or history. The result is a more confident and enthusiastic approach to elementary school.

These solid foundations are at the heart of the approach of our international Montessori schools in Paris, Clichy and Marseille. At Esclaibes International Schools, every child is accompanied in this beautiful adventure of reading.

5 steps to learning to read in kindergarten with the Montessori method

Learning to read with the Montessori method is based on a progressive, sensory approach. This method respects the rhythm and needs of each child. Here are the key stages in acquiring this fundamental skill, starting in kindergarten.

#1 - Sensory preparation: the foundations of reading

Before they begin reading directly, children in an environment prepared according to the precepts of Maria Montessori go through an essential phase of sensory exploration.

  • A tactile, visual and auditory approach: children handle specific materials that help them develop :
    • Touch with materials that distinguish between smooth and rough, preparatory activity for rough letters;
    • hearing, in particular with sound boxes that should be paired, as well as music workshops and sound lottery games, all activities that prepare for phonology;
    • sight with all the visual discrimination material, pairing exercises, model reproductions, puzzles, etc.
  • Activities to develop fine motor skills: to trace and recognize letters, children need to be able to execute precise movements with their hands. In Montessori classrooms, activities such as decanting water, using tongs or modeling clay strengthen the coordination and muscles of this hand.

Rough letters are a well-known Montessori teaching aid. Children trace the shapes of the rough letters with their fingers, repeating the sound made by the letter (not its name). Then they reproduce them in the sand or on a slate. Learning to read is not dissociated from learning to write. They go hand in hand.

Learning to read in kindergarten with Montessori pedagogy and its sensory approach

#2 - Associating sounds and letters: the beginning of reading

Once children have begun to refine their senses, they can move on to understanding phonemes, i.e. the sounds associated with letters.

  • It uses rough letters to learn phonemes: each rough letter is presented individually to the child. As they trace the letter with their fingers, they simultaneously hear the corresponding sound. This learning process involves multi-sensory association. It responds simultaneously to three types of memorization: visual, auditory and kinaesthetic (through the body and movement). These are all gateways to learning.
  • They take part in sensory games to link sounds and shapes: among the interactive games adapted to phonology work is "Mon petit œil a vu" (My little eye has seen). The teacher tells the child that, among three objects on the table, he or she has seen one that begins with the sound [ch], and the child has to point out which one it is. Alternatively, they can associate cards or objects with the rough letters corresponding to the attacking sound. These activities enable children to make the connection between the sounds they hear and the letters they see.
  • The educator plays an essential role, gradually introducing sounds and respecting each child's rhythm. They propose activities adapted to the child's level of understanding. They maintain a calm, stimulating environment.

#3 - Mute dictations: the transition to writing to learn to read

Silent dictation
is an emblematic activity of the Montessori method. It combines writing and reading in an intuitive way.

For this silent dictation activity, the child begins by using a movable alphabet (wooden or cardboard letters) to write words corresponding to images or objects presented by the educator. For example, a picture of a "cat" will be associated with the letters C-H-A-T.

The use of a mobile alphabet makes it possible to target a single main objective: theencoding/decoding of words. If children who have not yet mastered handwriting have to write the letters that make up the word themselves, they may experience cognitive overload. The exercise becomes more complex.
Of course, as soon as the child is comfortable with handwriting, this activity can be carried out on a slate, blackboard or notebook.

Mute dictations have a clear progression. The child starts with simple words in which all the phonemes "sing" (words with 3 or 4 letters and no silent letters). They progress to more complex words. This process helps them visualize the letters, hear the sounds and understand how they combine to form words.

This activity is an excellent bridge between writing and reading: by "writing" a word with the mobile alphabet, the child is naturally led to read it.

Learning to read naturally in kindergarten: Montessori silent dictations with the mobile alphabet

#4 - Reading simple words and sentences

Once children have mastered the letters and sounds, they start to read simple words and sentences.

In a Montessori environment, children are not forced to read, but encouraged to explore at their own pace. The emphasis is on fun and curiosity.

Some of the materials used in a Montessori kindergarten include:

  • word cards and labeled objects ;
  • Montessori books with simple words and pictures to encourage independent reading. The short, captivating stories reinforce their comprehension and interest.

These tools are designed to be accessible and stimulate the desire to read without pressure.

Learning to read in kindergarten with the Montessori method

#5 - Spark interest in reading through play and stories

Learning to read with Montessori is not limited to teaching tools: it also includes play activities and shared reading time.

  • Children love listening to stories, whether read or told. Reading aloud to them develops their vocabulary and imagination. It awakens their curiosity about books.

  • Other activities to stimulate children's interest in reading include :
    • sound riddles (Which word starts with [s]?) ;

    • comprehension games with riddles that require you to take clues to find the answer (the famous inferences);

    • creating short stories with images and simple words, which they write themselves or dictate to the adult;

    • multi-reading, with the child reading certain passages and the adult reading others, depending on complexity, etc.

These moments strengthen the emotional bond between children and reading and stimulate their creativity.

By following these steps, the Montessori method transforms learning to read into a captivating and accessible experience. At Esclaibes International Schools, these phases are carefully put into practice to guarantee a serene and fulfilling learning experience.

Learning to read from kindergarten with pleasure thanks to Montessori teaching methods

Why does the Montessori method work so well for learning to read?

The effectiveness of the Montessori method in learning to read is based on a unique approach that respects the natural development of each child. Here are the main reasons why this method is so effective and suitable.

Respect for the child's rhythm and absence of pressure

One of the fundamental characteristics of Montessori pedagogy is its respect for each child's individual rhythm. Unlike traditional methods, it does not impose strict deadlines or standardization. Each child is free to develop at his or her own pace, according to his or her natural interests and curiosity.

  • Stress-free learning: children are encouraged to explore letters and words at their own pace, without feeling compared or judged. This absence of pressure promotes serene, long-lasting learning.

  • Observation and adaptation: educators carefully observe each child's interests and progress, so as to introduce activities at the right time, when the child is ready and motivated.

By respecting these principles, the child avoids both stress and the feeling of failure. The educator guides, rather than demands. Having carefully observed the child, he or she ensures that activities progress in an appropriate way, and proposes situations that the child is capable of mastering.

A multi-sensory approach to memory enhancement

The Montessori method is based on a multi-sensory approach, combining touch, sight, hearing and sometimes even movement to facilitate learning.

Children hear the sound of the letter, see it, touch it and sometimes reproduce it with their hands. This association between several senses stimulates neuronal connections and facilitates comprehension and memorization. It anchors knowledge in the long term.

Link between writing and reading in the learning process

The Montessori approach closely integrates writing and reading. This makes learning more coherent and effective. In the Montessori method, writing often precedes reading.

  • Writing to read: children first learn to form words using the mobile alphabet, or to trace letters in the sand, before reading them. This logical process helps them understand how letters and sounds work together to form words.

  • Mutual reinforcement: Writing helps to anchor letters and words in the memory, while reading reinforces sound and shape recognition.

This synergy between writing and reading gives children a deeper, more intuitive understanding of the written language. The child acquires a sense of control and mastery that builds self-confidence.

The importance of pleasure and intrinsic motivation

In Montessori pedagogy, the pleasure of learning is always at the heart of the activities proposed. The same applies to learning to read, which is based on pleasure and intrinsic motivation.

  • Children learn by desire, not by obligation: they choose their activities in a prepared, rich and stimulating environment. In this way, they become fully involved in their learning.

  • Engaging activities: tools such as rough letters, the mobile alphabet and little Montessori books turn learning into a game. Each step forward is visualized by a more complex activity or the introduction of a new one. Children see for themselves that they can be proud of the progress they have made.

By cultivating intrinsic motivation, the Montessori method makes reading a skill that children want to acquire on their own, without external pressure.

Not only does this approach promote rapid and effective results, it also respects children's natural needs, placing them at the center of their learning. It offers children a positive, fulfilling experience, where each step prepares them for the next with confidence and enthusiasm. It also instills a lasting love of reading. The child perceives reading as a joyful activity, rather than an obligation.

Studies supporting the benefits of early learning to read

While learning to read as conceived in the Montessori approach has not (yet?) replaced traditional teaching in the majority of public schools, a number of researchers have looked into the subject.

An article from 2021 on the CNRS website presents the results of the first randomized controlled study to compare the Montessori method with structured teaching in public nursery schools. The results show that children in classes with Montessori teaching methods performed better in reading at the end of kindergarten. Their skills were comparable to those of pupils from more privileged private schools. Following this experiment carried out in the Lyon region, the scientists concluded that adopting the Montessori method in kindergarten could promote the acquisition of early reading skills and reduce disparities between pupils.

How do you accompany your child home?

Learning to read doesn't stop at school. As a parent, you play a key role in supporting and encouraging your child. With simple, adapted activities, you can reinforce what he learns in the Montessori classroom while creating precious moments of sharing.

Practical advice for parents

  • Encourage without forcing: show interest in your child's progress, but avoid putting pressure. In an episode of the podcast Les Adultes de Demain, renowned author Marie-Aude Murail, who talks about the art ofwriting for young people, urges us never to force children or adults to read. To read, you have to consent," she says. Let your child progress at their own pace, valuing their efforts and celebrating every little success.
  • Create an environment conducive to reading: stock age-appropriate books with clear illustrations and simple texts. Design a cosy, quiet and pleasant reading corner, which will motivate your child to explore books independently. And nothing beats a regular trip to the local library.

Learning to read in kindergarten: a library to encourage reading

Simple activities to do at home

  • Reading stories
    Read captivating stories aloud on a regular basis. This enriches your child's vocabulary, stimulates his imagination and reinforces his interest in reading. Ask questions about the story to stimulate discussion and check comprehension. And if you're wondering at what age this ritual should stop, tell yourself that as long as the child expresses the urge, the desire, it's a precious shared time to be treasured.
  • Letter games
    Suggest fun activities such as :
    • look for letters in magazines or on billboards;
    • form simple words using magnetic letters or cards ;
    • associate letters with everyday objects (example: "B" for "banana").
  • Exploring sounds
    Help your child identify the sounds that make up words. Play games like :
    • find words that rhyme ;
    • guess a word by slowly pronouncing it sound by sound.

The importance of consistency between home and school

To maximize results, it's essential to adopt a consistent approach between what children learn at school and what they practice at home.

No need for sophisticated equipment or lengthy sessions. The key is to maintain a happy, motivating environment, where reading is perceived as a pleasant, natural activity. The aim is to help nurture his love of reading while consolidating his learning, integrating it into everyday life as naturally as possible.

And don't hesitate to share your observations and questions regularly if you feel the need.

Why choose a Montessori school in Esclaibes to learn to read?

Learning to read is a crucial stage in a child's development. In the bilingual Montessori preschools of the Esclaibes International Schools network, we take care to provide a unique setting to guarantee serene and effective learning. Our schools are recognized for their excellence in Montessori pedagogy. They place children at the center of their educational approach, giving them the means to develop to their full potential.

Esclaibes, a reference in Montessori education

Created by Alexandre d'Esclaibes, son of Sylvie d'Esclaibes, an emblematic figure of the Montessori method in France, and Marie Robert, author and philosophy teacher, the schools in the Esclaibes network combine tradition and innovation.

They faithfully follow Montessori principles while responding to contemporary educational needs. Our educators, rigorously trained in Montessori pedagogy, notably at the Apprendre Montessori training center, offer activities adapted to each child. They know how to respect each child's rhythm, desires and sensitive periods.

A caring, bilingual environment

Esclaibes international nursery schools are distinguished by their caring environment, where every child is valued and encouraged.

Benevolence is not limited to human relations: it is also reflected in the organization of spaces, teaching materials and the individualized approach.

What's more, reading is taught in a bilingual environment, in French and English. This natural linguistic immersion from an early age enables :

  • master two languages ;
  • develop superior cognitive skills, such as mental flexibility and greater adaptability.

To become bilingual, children need to be immersed in both languages from an early age. And their cerebral plasticity is such that this dual-language education does not hinder their learning to read. Learning to read is the same whether in French or English: same materials, same activities, same need to develop sensory skills beforehand. Only the sounds and vocabulary change.

Give your child the best start in life

Choosing a bilingual Montessori preschool, and one in the Esclaibes International Schools network, means offering your child a natural, stimulating and caring way of learning to read. Visit our establishments, meet our teams and discover how we can contribute to your child's development.

Get in touch today!






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Learning to read in kindergarten with Montessori teaching methods