0-3 years


The complete Nido Montessori guide

January 28, 2025

Nido Montessori: the ideal cocoon for toddlers

If you're interested in Montessori pedagogy, you've probably already heard of the Nido Montessori. This term, used by Maria Montessori, refers to an early-learning space for children from 2 months to 18 months, or even older. Such a space can be found in the bilingual Montessori crèches of the Esclaibes International Schools network. The term Nido is also used to describe the sensory stimulation space that can be set up in a Montessori nursery. 

This guide presents thelayout of a Montessori Nido, the activities it offers and the benefits it brings to children's development. The Little Lions bilingual Montessori crèches in the Esclaibes International Schools network, in Clichy and Marseille, are built around such a Montessori Nido. 

Every detail is designed to support young children as they explore the world, while respecting their rhythm and individuality. And cherry on the cake, children take part in baby English workshops, one of the keys to becoming bilingual.

What is a Montessori Nido?

Definition and origin of Nido

With the word Nido, which means "nest" in Italian, Maria Montessori describes a warm, protective environment adapted to the needs of the youngest children. This space is specially prepared for babies until they start to move around. Every detail is designed to meet the physical, emotional and intellectual needs of toddlers.

Nido is based on an approach that values exploration and autonomy from the very first months of life. Thanks to adapted activities and a carefully designed environment, children can explore the world at their own pace and independently. Of course, the adult is always on hand to provide caring support that respects each child's individuality. 

Nido's educational objectives

The Nido Montessori supports the child's overall, harmonious development. Its layout and activities aim to : 

  • Developing independence: the activities on offer are accessible and adapted to children's ages and abilities. They learn to do things for themselves. From the very first months, they build their self-confidence and independence.
  • Encouraging motor, cognitive and emotional development: toddlers are stimulated by activities that engage their senses, coordination and natural curiosity.
  • Creating a secure, stimulating environment: the Nido is designed as a "second home" for children. The layout is designed to give children the confidence to explore and interact with their environment. 

The Montessori Nido is an intermediate cocoon between that offered by the family and the outside world. It is also a place where children learn in complete safety.

How does Le Nido differ from conventional day-care centers?

The Nido Montessori differs from traditional nurseries in its child-centered approach and carefully prepared environment:

  • An environment designed for autonomy: unlike many traditional crèches, which will only retain certain activities or elements, Nido crèches have a complete environment organized to the size and level of the children. Furniture, teaching aids and even activities are designed to encourage toddlers to act independently, without frustration.

  • Personalized pedagogy: in a Nido, the educators are trained in Montessori pedagogy and have learned to follow each child individually. They know how to respect each child's pace of development and specific needs. More traditional day-care centers tend to adopt a more collective approach.

  • Caring support: in a Nido, the emphasis is on a relationship of trust between child and adults, and a calm, soothing atmosphere. Nido educators focus on respecting the child's emotions and needs. They do everything in their power to create an atmosphere in which each child can blossom in complete serenity. 

As Sylvie d'Esclaibes, a recognized expert in Montessori pedagogy and founder of theApprendre Montessori training organization, points out, working in a Nido Montessori is not like "babysitting". Working in a Nido Montessori requires a real passion and deep self-reflection. 

Maria Montessori reminded us that, to accompany children, it's essential to do some inner work: give up any feeling of superiority ("I know everything, I decide everything") and learn to manage your anger, so as never to react abruptly or unfairly to a child. This requires self-questioning, sincere commitment and great humility.

The posture of Montessori educators is an integral part of the Nido environment. This contributes to offering children a place where they can grow and flourish. 

Nido Montessori in Little Lions Esclaibes bilingual Montessori day care centers

The principles and benefits of a Montessori Nido

The Nido Montessori is based on universal educational principles inspired by the work of Maria Montessori and the specific needs of children aged 0 to 3. These principles guide the design of the space, the pedagogy and the support, while respecting the sensitive periods of each child.

An environment designed for sensitive periods

Maria Montessori identified sensitive periods in a child's development, when he or she is particularly receptive to certain kinds of learning. Between the ages of 0 and 3, toddlers experience an explosion of learning linked to specific needs such as walking, language, social relationships and sensory exploration.

Le Nido will therefore offer : 

  • An orderly, structuring setting, a uncluttered, well-organized environment to help children concentrate, feel secure and make their space their own. Remember that among children's sensitive periods is the period of order, during which they like everything to be lined up.
  • A space adapted to sensory needsEvery element, from play mats to mirrors and low shelves, is designed to encourage sensory discovery and motor development.
    Le Nido offers a complete, safe sensory stimulation. These objects, made from wood, cotton or metal, are designed to awaken children's senses while guaranteeing their safety. Each material is natural and safe, even if the child puts them in his mouth. The materials provided will stimulate :
    • Touch: the varied textures of rugs, rattles and balls, made from natural materials such as wood, cotton and metal, stimulate tactile skills.

    • Hearing: with bells and other rattle sounds, children discover cause-and-effect relationships. If I shake the object, I hear a noise. These activities sharpen children's auditory skills.

    • Sight : mirrors, objects and illustrations with strong contrasts and simple shapes catch the child's eye. Curiosity and concentration are stimulated.

This wealth of sensory experiences supports the development of : 

  • the child's natural curiosity;
  • neuronal connections and cognitive abilities;
  • hand-eye coordination;
  • attention and concentration ;
  • his memory;
  • their enjoyment of learning and intrinsic motivation.

In her writings, Maria Montessori explains that order and simplicity are key principles in a baby's development.

Example of a Montessori Nido

The central role of freedom of movement and autonomy

At the Nido Montessori, everything is designed to encourage children to develop their autonomy from the very first months. The idea is not to impose a rhythm, but to enable toddlers to act on their own, according to their abilities.

An environment prepared for autonomy...

In a Nido, the environment is adapted for independent learning. The entire Nido space is designed to fit the child. Low furniture, accessible shelves, sensory baskets and a variety of objects enable children to choose their activities freely. They learn to move around freely in the Nido environment.

They crawl up to the activity that attracts them, or stand up straight in front of the mirror that reflects their image thanks to the brachiation bar. Being free to choose their activities boosts their confidence and self-esteem.

For Maria Montessori, autonomy is not just a practical skill, but an essential foundation of a child's development. She believed that allowing children to do things for themselves, from an early age, fosters confidence in their abilities and builds their personality. 

This autonomy, which ranges from the simple act of grasping an object to that of moving about freely, prepares children to become responsible adults, capable of making decisions and interacting harmoniously with their environment. 

Maria Montessori sums up this vision in a famous phrase:

‍"Help me do it alone."

At Le Nido, every element of the environment is designed to support this natural quest for independence, while respecting each child's rhythm and abilities.

... and freedom of movement

Autonomy therefore requires a well-prepared environment, as well as freedom of movement.

Hungarian pediatrician Emmi Pikler is the originator of the concept of free motricity. Her method proposes a philosophical approach similar to that of Maria Montessori: enabling children to be self-reliant and self-confident.

The Pikler and Montessori methods are complementary. For Emmi Pikler, children learn at their own pace, naturally, to roll over, then sit up, crawl or crawl on all fours, then stand up. By leaving them free to move, and avoiding over-stimulation or over-protection, we give them time to learn about their environment... and to test their own physical limits. Children take ownership of their own bodies. 

The Nido Montessori combines the approaches of these two doctors to offer a space where children can explore their motor skills without constraint. And in Little Lions bilingual Montessori nurseries, when children can move around independently, they can access another space. Here, specific Pikler equipment is installed, such as the cube, ramp, arch and the famous Pikler triangle.

In a Nido, we don't look for the child's performance. We aim to support them in their natural development. Such an environment lets them discover their skills and encourages perseverance.

Emotional intelligence cultivated from an early age

At Nido, Montessori educators play a fundamental role in guiding the learning of very young children, at their own pace and according to their needs. But also to provide emotional support. The Nido team provides a framework that : 

  • Ensures the child's emotional security: every educator takes care to understand and respect the child's emotional needs. They must be able to offer attentive listening and empathetic support.
  • Promotes emotional expression: daily interactions and moments of exchange help children to identify and express their emotions. The foundations of a balanced emotional intelligence can thus be established.

By combining cognitive stimulation and emotional support, the Nido Montessori prepares children to interact harmoniously with the world around them.

Guide du Nido Montessori comme dans les crèches bilingues Montessori à Marseille et Clichy du réseau Esclaibes International Schools

Focus on the Nido layout: a safe, adapted space for growing up freely

The Nido Montessori is designed to meet the specific needs of children aged 0 to 3. We focus on the Nido's activity area. But there are 3 other areas: sleeping, eating and changing.

The activity area generally revolves around a large, thin, firm activity mattress. To make it a cocoon, it's often created along a wall or in a corner of the room. 

A long mirror runs the length of the mat on the wall. When the child sees his reflection, he raises his neck and strengthens his neck muscles to hold his head. 

On this mirror, a horizontal bar, known as a brachiation bar, helps the child to stand up independently, when the time comes for him to adopt this position. 

On one or two other sides of the mat, 35 cm-high shelves are installed. These shelves hold sensory baskets, fabric balls, shape boxes and object permanence. The child can also lean on these shelves to sit up.

For very young children, gantries with suspended rattles (made of wood, fabric or bells) can stimulate prehension reflexes and hand-eye coordination.

The set can be completed with black-and-white images at eye level. The baby is attracted by these high-contrast illustrations. Then you can offer photographs of animals or real landscapes.

Why choose a Little Lions Montessori nursery in the Esclaibes International Schools network?

The Little Lions Montessori daycare centers in Clichy and Marseille offer a unique educational environment: Montessori pedagogy and bilingualism come together to promote the holistic development of toddlers. And that's not the only reason why you should come and see us...

A reputation for excellence in Montessori education

The Esclaibes International Schools network stands out for its unique approach. It combines the richness of traditional Montessori pedagogy with contemporary pedagogical innovations. Little Lions bilingual Montessori daycare centers rely on a team of passionate experts. Each brings a specific expertise to guarantee quality education from the very first months of life.

  • A pedagogical project rooted in tradition and open to innovation: the Little Lions nursery program is directly inspired by the work of Maria Montessori. It is also enriched by modern contributions in neuroscience, ecology and active pedagogy. These establishments aim to meet the expectations of today's families while respecting the fundamental values of Montessori education.
  • Educators and leaders with diverse and complementary backgrounds: the network benefits from the involvement of former Montessori students who have chosen to continue this educational tradition, combining their personal and professional experiences. These educational leaders, including Alexandre d'Esclaibes and Marie Robert, co-founders of the EIS network, have developed in-depth knowledge of Montessori programs, adapting them to the needs of young children.
    Their expertise ranges from school management to educator training, including interdisciplinary approaches such as philosophy and neuroscience.

  • A strong commitment to caring pedagogy and autonomy: every member of the team, from directors to educators, shares the same desire. They support children in their development, while fostering their autonomy and self-confidence. Thanks to their in-depth training and varied experience, they are able to offer individualized care that respects each child's rhythm and personality.

Little Lions daycare centers are more than just childcare centers. They embody a global and ambitious educational vision, supported by a committed and multidisciplinary team. Thanks to this collective investment, children benefit from an environment conducive to their physical, intellectual and emotional development from an early age.

Baby English, the bilingual asset of Little Lions daycare centers

One of the special features of Little Lions nurseries is their immersive bilingual program, which introduces toddlers to English from the moment they enter the nursery.

  • Baby Englis workshops, for a fun, gradual immersion:
    children benefit from regular interaction with English-speaking facilitators through activities such as nursery rhymes, stories, games and artistic activities. These workshops enable them to become naturally familiar with the sounds of the English language, while discovering Anglo-Saxon cultural elements.

  • An asset for the future: learning bilingualism at an early age stimulates mental flexibility. It also develops social skills and opens the doors to a future in which children will move with ease in a globalized world. This program fits in perfectly with the educational continuity offered by the Esclaibes network, which offers bilingual kindergartens, elementary schools and, soon, middle schools.

  • A caring, multicultural environment: our teaching teams value the cultural diversity of our international clientele. Each child is cared for with respect for his or her own rhythm and personality, in a soothing atmosphere.

A global educational project

In addition to Montessori pedagogy and bilingualism, Little Lions daycare centers offer additional initiatives that enrich the children's experience.

  • An educational garden: children actively participate in the creation and maintenance of vegetable gardens as soon as they are able to walk. They learn gardening techniques, discover biodiversity and develop an ecological awareness from an early age.

  • Ecological awareness: crèches adopt anti-waste practices, with a composter, rainwater recovery and energy-saving gestures. Families are also involved in this approach.

Education continues within the Esclaibes network

Little Lions nurseries offer families the opportunity to enroll their children in bilingual international Montessori schools for their nursery and elementary education. This can continue in the bilingual Montessori nursery school in Paris 16ᵉ and the international school in Paris 15ᵉ, in addition to the international school groups in Clichy and Marseille. This continuity guarantees a coherent, fulfilling education, maintaining Montessori values throughout the school career.

Contact our teams to visit the Clichy crèche and the Marseille Nido. And discover for yourself an environment where every child can flourish.






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The complete Nido Montessori guide